Street Clothing for the Abandoned; Forsaken Youth. 

If we were able to do one thing with this brand, one message to stay in our supporters heads, it'd be to never carry your past with you unless you are on your way to bury it. Our brand focuses on, but not limited to, places in history that have been left abandoned and deserted to bring awareness to our generation's youth that feel or have felt similarly. A feeling of unbearable isolation and loneliness from the rest of the world. Our premise is to allow the youth to wear these titles proudly in order to help them get past it and find their sense of belonging and placement within society because there is a spot for everyone. This is more than clothing, it's art, it's a movement, and our supporters are more than just customers, they're family, and heavy interaction with them will, for as long as possible, be a huge part of what we do.

With Love,